What do I want?

It was once said that life is water’s way of getting from one place to another.
I think minds are ideas’ way of doing the same.
Human history is a fossil record of philosophies,
     competing and breeding and dying and evolving.
The past is a dry riverbed;
     we are merely the medium through which these thoughts flow ever on.
But I can be more than a simple conduit –
     I want to be a filter,
          distilling concepts down to their most potent essence.
Can elucidation intoxicate?
The proof is in the language:
     from “voda” (water) comes “vodka” (little water);
     from “uisge beatha” (water of life) comes “whiskey.”
Shall I mix you a metaphor?
The first order in wisdom’s Wonderland is two words:
     “DRINK ME.”

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For hire.
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