
With Chad Erickson. Illustrated by Greg McFadden.

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An enraged dragon emerges and breathes fire across the page; the user’s cursor becomes a Zantac pill. When the user clicks the dragon with the Zantac cursor, the dragon falls back to the proper ad space. Clicking again will direct the user to Zantac’s web site.

Zantac Rich Media


The web site consists of three distinct areas: a Wizard’s Shop, a Dragon’s Lair and a Tavern. The Wizard’s Shop provides users with information about Zantac: its ingredients, dosages, warnings, etc. The Dragon’s Lair explains how certain foods and lifestyles can lead to acid reflux disease, indigestion, heartburn and other GI ailments. The Tavern consists of an archery game and a downloadable pet dragon application.

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